Special exhibition tour for children ( age 3 to 6 )

We will hold a special exhibition tour for children ( age 3 to 6 ) and guardians/parents.

Participants will enjoy the exhibition “Chihiro Iwasaki: Children’s Scenes” along with the lecturer who has led many tours for children. Afterwards, there will be a time to reflect how the children were in the exhibit room and the lecturer will talk about the relation between looking at pictures and the child’s development as well as the works.

English translation will be provided.
We welcome families whose native language is not Japanese.

【Date and time】 September 23th,2023 14:00-15:30
【Venue】 Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo
【Eligible person】 For children aged 3 to 6
(We welcome children/parent whose native language is not Japanese. English translation provided.)
【Occupancy】 8 pairs
【Fee】 free (Admission fee to the museum is required.)
【Lecturer】 Megumi Tomita (Representative of NPO Art Friendship Association from Babyhood)

For details and reservation

Chihiro Iwasaki, Boy and His Mother, 1970