8月9日 ちひろのことば

いわさきちひろ 1973年

いわさきちひろ ひまわりとあかちゃん 1971年
Chihiro Iwasaki, Sunflower and Baby, 1971

Even without going to the battlefield, I know all too well what children subjected to the flames of war go through, how war affects them. That’s because children are the same the world over, the innocence of their eyes, their lips, and down to their hearts.
Chihiro Iwasaki, 1973


Chihiro Iwasaki continued to wish “Peace and happiness for all the children of the world”. On the occasion of “The Anniversary Event of Chihiro’s Death” on August 7th and 8th, we would like to share with you her words and her works.