
Today, the Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo is closed. (Because yesterday the museum was open due to national holiday.) Please check our website for other details.

いわさきちひろ ぼつご50ねん こどものみなさまへ あ・そ・ぼ

Current exhibition
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Chihiro Iwasaki’s Passing: To All ChildrenA.So.Bo (Let’s Play)
2024.6.22 sat – 2024.10.6 sun

いわさきちひろ 帽子に入った小犬『ぽちのきたうみ』(至光社)より 1973年
Chihiro Iwasaki, The Puppy in a Hat from “Pochi no Kita Umi (What’s Fun without a Friend?)”, 1973