世界中のこどもみんなに 平和と しあわせを——
今年、ちひろ美術館(東京・安曇野)では、「戦後80年 ちひろと世界の絵本画家たち 絵本でつなぐ「へいわ」」と題して、平和のバトンを未来へつなぐ絵本を紹介します。安曇野ちひろ美術館では3/1~、ちひろ美術館・東京では7/26~、それぞれ開幕いたします。どうぞお楽しみに。
Season’s Greetings
2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II.
“Wishing peace and happiness for all the children of the world.”
Chihiro’s wish embodied in her art works still reach people’s hearts with sense of importance.
This year, the Chihiro Art Museum will hold an exhibition titled “80 years since the end of World War II – Chihiro and picture book artists of the world : linking peace through picture books”. Picture books bringing on peace to the future generation will be introduced. The exhibition will be hold from March 1st at the Chihiro Art Museum Azumino, and from July 26th at the Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo.
We are open from 10AM January 2nd, 2025. For the New Year, do visit the Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo!
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