12/21 Workshop for children “Every individual’s one page- Make your own craft-picture book.”
12/21(土)ワークショップ「ひとりひとりの1ページ こうさくえほんをつくろう」
Workshop for children “Every individual’s one page- Make your own craft-picture book.” Apply now! Make your craft-picture book, thinking about what you enjoyed or what fun you had.
【日時】2024年12月21日(土) 10:30-12:00/When? December 21th, Saturday
【場所】ちひろ美術館・東京/Where? Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo
【対象】外国語を母語とする3~12歳児と保護者/ For whom? Children aged 3 to 12 and parent/guardian whose mother language is not Japanese.
【定員】8組/ How many seats? limited to 8 pairs
【参加費】無料(入館料別)/ How much? free (Admission fee to the museum is required.)
【申し込み】要事前予約(公式サイト、TEL. 03-3995-0612 にて。)/ Reservation is required. Please apply from this link or by phone 03-3995-0612
【講師】冨田めぐみ(NPO法人赤ちゃんからのアートフレンドシップ協会代表)/ Lecturer : Megumi Tomita (Representative of NPO Art Friendship Association from Babyhood)
【助成】文化庁 令和6年度 Innovate MUSEUM事業/ Funded by 2024 Innovate MUSEUM project, Agency for Cultural Affairs
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