8月8日 ちひろのことば

いわさきちひろ 1964年


いわさきちひろ 花びらの舟に乗るおやゆび姫 1966年
Chihiro Iwasaki, Thumbelina Punting a Flower Petal Boat, 1966

Although I might fall short, my wish is to become a children’s picture artist with longevity.
I earnestly wish to create picture books that will be loved by people for years and years without being influenced by the latest art trends that seem to constantly change like rippling waves.
Chihiro Iwasaki, 1964

August 8th 2022 marks the 48th summer since Chihiro Iwasaki (1918-1974) passed away.
The Chihiro Art Museum is working on various activities to convey her wish for peace.