8月4日 ちひろのことば「没後50年 ちひろ忌」
(English follows Japanese)
いわさきちひろ 1968年
The pictures that I loved as a child still lived in my mind. (……)
The emotions and the pictures evoked as a child grow with one and become richer and more beautiful with the years, nourishing one’s mind. The responsibility of a children’s artist is rather frightening in a way. But on the other hand, it’s joyous work and tremendously rewarding.
Chihiro Iwasaki, 1968
各館で開催する「没後50年 ちひろ忌」の詳細はこちら
Chihiro Iwasaki continued to wish “Peace and happiness for all the children of the world”. On the occasion of “The Anniversary Event of Chihiro’s Death” on August 8th, we would like to share with you her words and her works.
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