
子どものための鑑賞会/ Exhibition tour for children


【会場】 ちひろ美術館・東京/ Venue: Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo
【対象】 3~6歳児/ For children aged 3 to 6
(外国語を母語とする家族を含む。英語対応あり。/ We welcome children/parent whose native language is not Japanese. English translation provided)
【定員】 8組 / Occupancy: 8 pairs
【参加費】 無料(入館料別)/ Fee: free (Admission fee to the museum is required.)
【申し込み】 要事前予約(8月23日(水)10時より受付開始)/ Reservation required (reservation starts August 23th, 10 AM)
【講師】 冨田めぐみ(NPO法人赤ちゃんからのアートフレンドシップ協会代表)/ Lecturer : Megumi Tomita (Representative of NPO Art Friendship Association from Babyhood)

【助成】  文化庁 令和5年度 Innovate MUSEUM事業



We will hold a special exhibition tour for children ( age 3 to 6 ) and guardians/parents.

Participants will enjoy the exhibition “Chihiro Iwasaki: Children’s Scenes” along with the lecturer who has led many tours for children. Afterwards, there will be a time to reflect how the children were in the exhibit room and the lecturer will talk about the relation between looking at pictures and the child’s development as well as the works.

English translation will be provided.
We welcome families whose native language is not Japanese.

※In the exhibit rooms, please help your child enjoy the exhibition for example by holding her/him up in your arms to see the pictures during the tour.
※The talk given in the tour on September 16th is for 0 to 2 year old.
If you plan to participate with the child and the sibling, it may be easier for the child and the guardian/parent if you select the tour according to the age of the older child.

イベント申込フォーム - 子どものための鑑賞会/ Exhibition tour for children


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