Above: Chihiro Iwasaki, Children among Cyclamen Flowers, from Senka no Naka no Kodomotachi (Children in the Flames of War), Iwasaki Shoten, 1973 Below: Claudia Legnazzi (Argentina), from Yo Tengo una Casa (I Have a House), 2001

- - On Now

- - On Now

Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the End of World War II
Chihiro Iwasaki and Picture Book Artists from Around the World
Creating Peace Through Picture Books

Chihiro Iwasaki, Boy and a Goat, 1969



Colors, Lines, Shapes Drawn by Chihiro

Shinta Cho, Kyabetsu-kun no Nichiyobi (Cabbage Boy’s Sunday), Bunken Shuppan, 1992



Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Passing of the Enchanting Artist Shinta Cho

Miroslav Cipár, from Macicka Mamicka (Kitten Mummy), 1984



Chihiro Art Museum Collection: Discovering Patterns in Art

Chihiro Iwasaki, Girl Holding a Book, 1970



Chihiro: Reader and Illustrator of Books

Osamu Tsukasa, from Machinto (A Little More), text by Miyoko Matsutani, Kaiseisha, 1983



Osamu Tsukasa Exhibition: Hiroshima🍅Tomato

Kveta Pacovska (Czech Republic), from The Brave Tin Soldier, 1985



Chihiro Art Museum Collection The Picture Books of Hans Christian Andersen:
In Commemoration of the 220th Anniversary of His Birth