The generous support that we receive through individual donations help us to make possible the Chihiro Art Museum’s various activities.
How to become a supporting member
Anyone who provides us with a donation of one unit or more per year will be registered as a supporting member.
Membership fee (donation)
3,000 yen/unit
Your membership fee (donation) will be used for activities to promote picture books and support picture book culture in Japan and abroad. These activities include the collection, preservation, research, and public display of original picture book illustrations, which can easily become scattered and lost, as well as classroom visits and on-site exhibitions of reproductions in partnership with local schools. We sincerely hope that you will become a supporting member and continue to support the Chihiro Art Museum’s activities.
Supporting members of the Museum will receive the following:
- A Chihiro Art Museum (Iwasaki Chihiro Memorial Foundation) membership card
- A thank-you card following initial registration from Yoji Yamada, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, Director of the Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo & Azumino
- Chihiro Art Museum newsletters from the Tokyo and Azumino Museums that include information and commentary on exhibitions (in Japanese only)
- Once a year, supporting members are invited to a meeting to report on Museum activities.
- Supporters who make donations of two or more units per year receive a pass for free admission to both Museums locations.
Membership card
Supporting members will receive a membership card featuring a new design every year.
Tax benefits (for tax payers in Japan)
When you donate to the Iwasaki Chihiro Memorial Foundation (Chihiro Art Museum), you may choose to receive a tax credit or an income deduction. In order to receive the deduction, you must file a tax return. For details, please contact your local tax office.
・ Donation deductions for individual donations
A tax credit will be applied to donations made to a qualified tax-deductible charitable organization in a given year that exceed 2,000 yen in total. Please contact your local tax office for details.
・ Calculation for tax credit
The amount calculated using the following formula will be deducted from your income tax as a “donation deduction.”
(Total amount of donations for year*1 – 2,000 yen) × 40% = Deduction*2
*1. Limit for total amount of donations is 40% of annual income.
*2. Limit for tax deductions is 25% of income tax.
・Calculation for income deduction
The amount calculated using the following formula will be deducted from your income as a “donation deduction.”
(Total amount of donations for year*3 – ¥2,000) × income tax rate*4 = Deduction
*3. Limit for total amount of donations is 40% of annual income.
*4. The income tax rate varies depending on the annual income amount. Please refer to the National Tax Administration Agency website for the applicable income tax rate.
-How to donate
・At the Museum
Fill in the registration form and submit it along with your donation at the reception desk.
・By postal transfer
Please use the “Bank Transfer Application” form below.
Click here for the form.
Note: Please be aware that the above form can only be used at post offices in Japan.
If you use the payment form provided at the post office, please fill in the information below. If you would like to subscribe to our email magazine, please include your email address in the remarks column. Please note that you will be responsible for the handling fee for the transfer.
Account Number: 00180-2-385973
Account Name: 公益財団法人いわさきちひろ記念事業団
・By credit card or Amazon Pay
Please click the link below and choose either credit card or Amazon Pay. (We recommend using such browsers as Google Chrome or Safari. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.)
To make a one-time donation, click here.
You will be redirected to an external site.
To make annual, ongoing donations, click here.
You will be redirected to an external site.
You can change the donation amount or stop the donations at any time.→Click here
To make monthly, ongoing donations of 1,000 yen, click here.
You will be redirected to an external site.
You can change the donation amount or stop the donations at any time.→Click here
-List of donors
It is with much gratitude that we introduce those who gave us permission to publish their names among the people who provided donations between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022 (honorific titles omitted, names listed in Japanese alphabetical order). Thank you for supporting our activities over the past year.
赤枝操 赤澤香恵 赤羽大四郎 秋吉順子 阿部圭子 安藤清貴 安藤優子 井佐恵子
石井鈴子 石井達也 石川顯法 石津ちひろ 石原民子 板倉裕史 伊藤幸一 伊藤早苗
伊藤澄子 伊藤智夫 伊藤美智子 伊藤利香 井上美佐子 岩畔幸子 上坂朋子 植田浩二
上田敏夫 上野誠治 牛越徹 内田市五郎 内田芳子 浦西陽子 榎本裕一 大石利男
大崎あけみ 大島和枝 大谷眞知子 岡百代 岡田早智子 岡田正義 岡本育子 小川治
尾﨑由美子 小澤通子 押見匡子 小田悦子 海澤幸代 貝原美樹子 柿内公子 垣東広美
樫田攻 嘉戸秀美 加藤麻弥 加藤美帆 門田克彦 金子治代 金子正美 金子眞理子
神澤千尋 上村真澄 川上眞智子 河野のり子 川人博 川俣治之 喜入晴美 菊地綾子
菊池恩恵 菊地勝幸 菊地淳一 菊地則好 北井葉子 北川祐子 喜多村智代 木村髙寛
木村秀樹 工藤貴史 熊田眞代 倉科昌司 栗原真知子 木暮正行 小杉美奈子 小平恵子
後藤忠昭 虹釜和昭 小林律子 小林克知 小柳ひろ子 近藤景子 近藤美紀 齊藤詔子
佐伯智子 酒井京子 境英美 坂口睦男 坂田佳美 坂本朋恵 嵜とも子 桜井肇
櫻井理恵 佐治千里 佐多和子 佐藤和弘 佐藤勝美 佐藤忠仁 佐藤友子 佐藤律子
里見裕子 澤太郎 澤良世 信太明男 柴原和美 白川光雄 神保和子 菅野昌子
鈴木高也 鈴木武 鈴木真寿子 関根栄子 千田幹雄 曽我克美 高木朝子 高綱理帆
高橋節子 高橋俊文 高橋英子 高橋博之 高橋美智子 瀧口惠子 滝澤智樹 瀧下弘美
田口弘美 武川雅和 竹下景子 武田正巳 竹村聖 田島貴代子 太刀川久夫 立松房枝
田中秀行 田中美恵子 田中光雄 田中惠 田畑裕子 田丸尚美 田村恵子 田村博康
丹野由美子 千葉俊美 土田忠敬 坪田慶子 出口智之 手塚公久 寺本英子 どいしげこ
遠山定雄 栃木勲 鳥羽敬二 冨田雅子 中大路耕平 中川薫 中沢まみ 中島洋平
永島宣江 中西時夫 中野和朗 中俣澄子 中村収 中村加津雄 中村紀寿 中村由美
那須野郁子 西尾泰広 西村修 畠山隆司 馬場潤 濱野恵子 早瀬紀子 原智子
平山公洋 平山泰代 広瀬紀子 福林幸代 藤井則子 藤枝隆 藤代誠一 藤田淑子
藤本正 藤森英和 札場義浩 渕脇文雄 古川正巳 古橋叔枝 星祐樹 星野宏子
本多慶子 本間久幸 前川和則 益子良一 眞下弘三 益川洋子 松浦泰二 松島惠子
松田栄子 松本恭子 松本繁 松本ちひろ 松本祐子 丸山鈞 宮﨑一葉 宮澤孝昇
宮下和也 ミラー美幸 宗本哲司 村上弘治 村上耕平 村上妙子 森義行 森島仁
森本哲 栁下昭夫 柳沢清美 山浦英樹 山口文枝 山﨑紀代 山下昭美 山田哲也
山田久夫 山元寿美代 山本たまき 山本朋子 山本正道 横川浩子 吉岡正俊 吉川聡子
吉田勝彦 米山美保 若園佐知子 若山秀樹 渡辺明 渡邉友範
Bequest donations

Chihiro Iwasaki, Touching Spring, 1964
A bequest donation is a gift, through the provisions of one’s will, designating an individual, organization, or activity other than an heir as a recipient, free of charge, of part or all of the estate in accordance with that person’s wishes for the future.
Bequest donations can be made through one’s will, inheritance, or other means.
Please consider the Chihiro Art Museum (Iwasaki Chihiro Memorial Foundation) as a recipient of your bequest donation.
Aligning your cherished beliefs with those of Chihiro Iwasaki, an artist who created artwork with a never-ending wish for peace and happiness for all the children of the world, the Chihiro Art Museum will carry on your legacy, making use of your precious assets to ensure a future for children that will be peaceful, rich, and beautiful, supported by a rich education and culture.
Contact information
Yuko Takesako (Certified Japan Fundraising Association fundraiser)
Donation Section, Foundation Secretariat
Chihiro Iwasaki Memorial Foundation (Chihiro Art Museum)
TEL: +81-3-3995-0612 FAX: +81-3-3995-0680
4-7-2, Shimo-Shakujii, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 177-0042, Japan
My late mother loved Chihiro and supported the Chihiro Art Museum as a member for a long time. I think she would have been delighted to express her feelings in this way.
My mother loved children. Whenever I visit the Chihiro Art Museum, it’s always filled with the smiles and laughter of children. Like my mother, I support the Museum and hope that it will continue to be the kind of place that carries out activities that bring smiles to the faces of even more children.—Akihiko Ito, 2020
My late mother loved Chihiro’s illustrations. Amid the books, art books and calendars, our home was filled with her artwork. As her daughter, I grew up in an environment that allowed me to become very familiar with her pictures.
Chihiro’s illustrations offer a nostalgic hometown that I could share with my mother.
On the other hand, in her later years, my mother took part in volunteer activities, reading picture books aloud to children at a nearby elementary school. Her voice had a gentle warmth that was especially well-suited for reading children’s stories and folk tales, and I was comforted by the way she read.
I think it was a very natural decision for me to make this donation.
Being of service even after she has passed away is a happy ending to my mother’s life.
Receiving the Museum’s gratitude would be the most fitting way to honor my mother’s memory.—K.M., 2019
This donation was made at the bequest of my mother, who loved the works of Chihiro Iwasaki. As someone who experienced war, she deeply empathized with Chihiro’s way of life, which was based on the wish for happiness and peace for all the children of the world.
Having lived in the Czech Republic, my mother, who had a true sense of the appeal of picture books and the importance of children’s culture, highly appreciated the Chihiro Art Museum’s efforts to share Chihiro’s illustrations and life, and to contribute to picture book culture around the world as a museum that specialized in picture books.
And above all, she sincerely hoped that the Chihiro Art Museum would cherish Chihiro’s wishes by continuing to carry out its activities.—The family of Yoshiko Shindo, 2017
I love Chihiro Iwasaki’s illustrations.
Chihiro continued to draw children as her lifelong theme.
I never tire of looking at her work.
May the Chihiro Art Museum continue forever.—M.K., 2015
Donation policy (in Japanese)
Activity report (in Japanese)
- Click here to download the 2020 activity report
- Click here to download the 2019 activity report
- Click here to download the 2018 activity report
- Click here to download the 2017 activity report
- Click here to download the 2016 activity report
- Click here to download the 2015 activity report
- Click here to download the 2014 activity report
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