Yasuo Segawa, from Emaki Heikemonogatari 3 Mongaku(Mongaku, vol. 3 of The Tale of the Heike), Holp Shuppan, 1986
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of Yasuo Segawa’s Passing: Tan Un Tei Nichijo-Between the Pictures and the Story
In the 1960s, Yasuo Segawa garnered attention in the picture book world for many of the works he created, including Fushigi na Takenoko (Taro and the Amazing Bamboo Shoot) and Inai Inai Baa (Peek-a-Boo). In 1977, he left the hustle and bustle of life in the city and moved to Kita Karuizawa in Gunma Prefecture, where he observed the shapes of nature, sketching plants and animals. In 1982 he moved into an old house in Aoki-mura, Nagano Prefecture, and named it “Tan Un Tei.” It was here that he started keeping a diary, which he called “Tan Un Tei Nichijo (Daily Life at Tan Un Tei),” and created picture books, including the Emaki Heikemonogatari (The Tale of Heike) series. Through this exhibit, aiming to shed light on Segawa’s approach to his craft, we will display original works from the artist’s picture books, tableaux and sketches, accompanied by clues provided through excerpts from his Tan Un Tei Nichijo diary and notebooks.
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